Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sidney Williams  - Profile HH - Logic Dominant - Limited Under Stress: All Modalities

Okay, so what does that mean? There are two hemispheres of our brains.  The gestalt (right) and the logic (left).  My dominant side of my brain is the left side.  HH means that my brain, eyes, ears, hand and foot dominant sides are all left. So what does that mean? Well, that's my learning profile. 

I realize now that I've been very negative since I started Middle School.  I say to myself that I'm stupid that I can't do anything.  Well, these test results may shed some light on all those thoughts and feelings.  Taking this test and getting my test results was a really good thing for me because I realize now that reading and writing can be really hard for me and that I need calm learning environments to be successful at learning. With these results,  I can find out how I can learn better and be more successful at school.  Now I know what the best learning environment is for me to do the best that I can.  Okay, here goes....

I'm told that I learn best when I am in a quiet environment (alone if possible), with as little noise and movement as possible. If there's just the smallest bit of noise or movement, I will get distracted and off-track.  I think the best place for me to sit in class is in the back left corner of the room with no other table near me. This will help me have more quiet when I'm doing my work.  For collaborative work I'm okay shifting over to the table that I'm supposed to be working at with others.  My profile also says that I have to process internally without external sensory stimulation which means that I need to think a lot with out talking and that it's not ideal to have any talking, music or movement around me. Sitting at the back left corner of the class would put me farthest away from speakers and computers so it will be as soft as possible.

Apparently for my learning profile, I need to move, touch, and manually explore to process and organize information. My profile results said that I need to have a relaxing and stress-free environment or I will be very limited in what my brain can process.  This is because when I am feeling stressed, I am at a great disadvantage as I cannot access the dominant side of my brain with any sensory input.

The strategies that my profile suggests I use are to write and draw with my non-dominant hand because it helps relieve stress.  It also suggested that I draw lazy 8's, massage my Mandibular Joint, be allowed to doodle or manipulate clay while learning, as well as practice Thinking Caps from Brain Gym. All of these techniques should help to relieve stress.   It also said that I  need to have a relaxing and stress-free environment or I will be very limited in what I can do.  This is because when I am feeling stressed, I am at a great disadvantage because I cannot access the dominant side of my brain with any sensory input.

This is a amazing assignment because I can actually communicate to my teachers what works best for me to learn in the classroom. Most importantly, that when I am under stress I am at a great disadvantage because I cannot access my dominant hemisphere with any sensory input. However when I am not stressed I can access both sides of my brain easier than any of the other learner profiles. Apparently, my left eye scans from right to left which makes things confusing in my brain with languages that move from left to right like English. Also, at times I might reverse or transpose letters and numbers and for sure I have difficulty with my penmanship". In short, seeing, hearing, or communicating the details can be difficult for me, but I'm able to learn, process and communicate well  when I am relaxed. After reading my profile I'm in favor of an on-campus spa complete with massage and relaxation therapists.  What do you think (Mr. Whiting)?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

This week for Lit. circles we had a twist in it. The twist is that we got to work with a partner. Mrs. Narsiman called it "Literature Circles With A Twist." Instead of doing two of each section we only needed to do one of everything. This blog post will answer three questions: "What the benefits of collaborating with a partner?"; "What challenges or obstacles did we overcome (tried to overcome)?"; and "What new understandings about the novel did we gain from our collaboration?"

There are many benefits to collaborating with a classmate on a Literature Circle assignment.  One benefit is that you don't have to do everything yourself.  Sharing makes less work for each partner.  Another benefit is that you have another person to edit your work and share ideas with to make each partner's work better.  A third benefit is that if you don't understand something, your partner can clarify it for you.  But, the most important benefits is that collaborating with a classmate, makes a Literature Circle much more FUN!

We overcame challenges or obstacles when we were having different opinions on what are the best questions. I had ideas to help Jorghi's questions because his were not high level enough. Another challenge we had was when I went on a camp out with the boy scouts. I did not have any time over the weekend to do my Literature circle, and was not able to get my work done as planned.  We had to do everything on Monday night, but got it all done and got an A.

Jorghi helped me understand the book because when he had a question that I did not understand, he helped me understand it. The question was, "Why did Miyax want to get marred to Daniel?" I did not think that Miyax wanted to marry Daniel. So Jorghi explained to me that Miyax wanted to marry Daniel because her father arranged the marriage and she was unhappy living with her Aunt Martha. 

In conclusion, I enjoyed writing our Literature circle with a friend much more that doing one by myself.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Literature Circle review

1. How your groups discussion helped your understanding of the novel.

The discussion in my group was very helpful to me because when I had a question on the book my group helped me clarify it. I was wondering why Miyax tried to talk to the wolves and my group was able to explain it to me. My group helped me realize that because Miyax's father talked to the wolves when he was out hunting to get food, Miyax realized that she too could talk to the wolves to get food and survive. Having a group discussion helped me understand and like the book more. I realize now that when I don't understand something I can become disinterested. 
2. Connections that you made during your discussion

Because my group helped me understand Miyax better, I was more able to connect with her ability to connect with the wolves. In my life, ever since I was young, I've felt a deep love, connection and understanding of dogs. It's through my relationship with my first dog Haven, that I was able to relate to Miyax's growing relationship with the wolves. Haven was a 'guide-dog in training for the blind'. Miyax loved the wolves like I loved haven.

3. Predictions

I think Miyax will stay with the wolves until the sun sets so she can travel to her pen pal in San Francisco. I also predict that Miyax will hunt with the wolves and catch a caribou. I think this because Miyax has started hunting owlets and I believe she will soon grow to hunt bigger animals.I think she will do this by watching the wolves hunt so that she can hunt with them.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What role did geographic location and natural resources play in the the development of Malaysia?

Malaysia has a strategic location on the straights of Malacca between East Asia and Europe. The straights of Malacca is right in the middle of the world's busiest trade route making it a popular spot to stop, resupply and trade. This allowed Malaysians to trade with the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Europeans to acquire thing like silk, farm animals, weapons, food, spices and most importantly, gold.  Malaysia has abundant natural resources such as fertile soil, metals, timber, oil and gas.

In the 1500's and 1600s, the Europeans came to Malacca in search of silk and spices.  They found safe harbors, and plenty of goods to trade.  They established a trading out post in Malacca and a fort to protect their fleet and control who came in and out of the port. This enabled them to bring in more ship to trade in this important trade route. The Europeans brought gold and silver to trade for Malaysia's natural resources.

In the 1700s and 1800s, Europeans harvested other Malaysian natural resources. They cut down huge rain forests on the Malay Peninsula and on Borneo. They dug out precious materials like tin and iron. Malaysia remained a strategic trading location.  

 In the 1900s and 2000s, Malaysians took control of their natural resources and planted oil palms where the rain forests once stood and began exploring for oi land gas. Malaysia is now the world's largest producer of palm oil and makes a lit of money selling its oil and gas.  

Monday, October 18, 2010

Skips Adventure

 I was having a staring contest with my sister. All my friends chanted, "Go Skip go! Beat Mary-Jane!" All Mary-Jane's friends yelled, "Mary-Jane's the best! Beat baby Skip!" I was just about to roll my eyes back when Mary-Jane rolled hers first. Because of my victory to become the winner of the longest  staring contest, I sang at the top of my gills... "I win, you loose. Ha ha ha ha ha. Looser!" While singing this I made an L shape with my fin and shoved it right in her face. She had a scared expression upon her face and everybody was gone. I turned around and...all mine and my sister's friends yelled, "YEAH, YOU WIN." I got so scared,  I skipped faster than anyone (that's how I got my name). I looked back to see them all laughing their heads off. Before I knew it, I hit something. Great, the last thing I wanted to run into, I thought to myself. I ran right, into... my... dad.

"Stop playing around son." My dad scolded, "you should  be helping fix up the town after the Giants came destroying our homes and hurting our friends and family." "What about Mary..." I blurted out "think about yourself Skip." My dad ordered , "I want you to go look for food with your friends and Mary-Jane." "Fine." I sighed, and called my friends and Mary-Jane to help me gather food. As we were leaving, dad called out "whoever gathers the most food gets today and tomorrow off." Now everyone was rushing. I heard a scream behind me, and I looked around, and there, was Mary-Jane. Oh brother, I thought to myself, then I looked up - oh no- it was... the GIANTS. "Skip for your lives," I hollered skipping away as fast as I could. I could hear my father mutter "not again." Then skip down into our home. I was too slow to get into my house but I laughed because the Giants all got stuck in the mud.

I looked back to see where the Giants were coming from and I saw many more. I panicked and started to think of stupid things to do. So I yelled "The Giants are coming the Giants are coming." (Which everyone knew). Then I skipped to my left, then to my right, then forewords and then backwards. My head spun round and round and I could not see clearly. I kept thinking, the Giants the Giants don't get me, please don't get me - I beg of you. Then I got to my senses, and skipped along the mud. I hid behind a tree and watched them stutter, fall, run, get help, and help others. My favorite part of watching the Giants was when they got stuck in the mud! I looked closely and it somehow seemed like they were communicating with each other. No, I thought the Giants were too unintelligent and clumsy. But I think that they are speaking some sort of language to communicate with each other. It was the first time I looked closely at the Giants. Why were they  putting a mini tree in the mud? After a while the last of the Giants left and I fell asleep. Later I woke up thinking that the Giants actually had a heart.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010


In Third Grade I viewed bullying at recess.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a group of 6th Grade boys pushing another boy around. I overheard them saying "You owe me big now".  My first thought was that they were just playing.  Then I realized that the boy must have been feeling hurt and scared.  I also heard them saying "You better get it to me tomorrow". Then I saw them shove him on the ground and heard them say "Tomorrow".  The boy then responded with "Okay, okay".  Then the boys walked off.  After the incident, I just ran off to go play football. 

If this situation were to happen today, when I realized the 6th Grade boys were bullying, I would immediately go to get a teacher to help.  A teacher could have stopped the bullying and made sure that the bullying didn't happen again.  I realize now that another thing I could have done differently was after the incident I could have gone up to the boy and asked if he needed any assistance.  I also could have asked what the bullying was all about.  Maybe the best thing that I could have done was ask him to play basketball or soccer with me. 

 I have two new possible goals around bullying now that I am a 6th Grade and a student at ISKL. The first is that I will not tease people, even though my intent is for it to be a joke, as it might hurt people.  The second is to develop my own self esteem so that if anyone attempts to bully me I won't be too affected by it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

When I used courage

What is courage to me?
Courage  is bravery and the will to overcome your fears; to be afraid and still do it. To do something that does not feel good or makes you afraid takes courage.  Courage means to be mentally strong and confident in times of distress or sticking to your beliefs when others disagree. Taking a risk to help others can be another form of courage. I used courage at the Advanced Band concert at the Royal Chulan Hotel.

Facing my fear
The concert was at the Royal Chulan Hotel, a 5 star hotel,. playing in front of 500 to 600 people.  I was so nervous because it was my first concert playing my trumpet.  I had only started playing the trumpet three months prior.  I was afraid that I would mess up really bad at the Advanced Band Christmas concert. we were playing in the ballroom.  I felt like I was going to die, but I had to do it. I felt like lightheaded and like I was about to vomit.  My mouth was so dry that I couldn't get my lips to make a noise.

How did I overcome my fear?
 I thought about the band really needing me and that  thought helped me get up on stage in front of all those people.  When we started playing, I forgot all my fears.  I played really well and did my part to help the band.  I felt like the band raised Christmas spirit in the room and gave people something to listen to by playing songs like "Christmas in a Kennel" and "Greensleeves."

What did I learn?
I learned that the more courage you have the better your results will be.  You will never need courage if you don't take risks.  I also learned that the less you think about your fears, the less scared you will be.  I felt really good about my performance and my experiance led me to try out for the middle school musical.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How can understanding the past, help us to understand our world?

Understanding the past can help us to understand our world through increasing our understanding of people, society's, change, and our own moral sense.

History Helps Us Understand People and Societies

In 1905, George Santayana wrote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." History tends to repeat itself. While we may not be able to completely change the course of modern events, we can look back at the lessons from history and use them to change ourselves and influence our culture. History is the story of where we came from. History connects us with those people and cultures that developed, discovered, and or invented many of the things we rely upon for life today. We can thank our ancestors for our alphabet, our language, our numerical system, religions, and system of government. 

History Helps Us Understand Change and How the Society We Live in Came to Be

The past becomes the present, which turns into the future. The study of history helps us to see how people viewed themselves and events during their lifetimes and how those same things are viewed today.  History provides the best source of information to study the way things are in the world. We study history so we can understand why people and places changed and analyze causes of change around us today.  History serves as our laboratory.  Data from the past is our best evidence to figure out why humankind behaves as it does.

History Contributes to Moral Understanding

History is full of examples of good people to imitate and bad ones to learn from their mistakes.  Studying the stories of individuals and situations in the past allows us to create our own moral sense of what is right and wrong, good and evil.  People who have faced difficulties, in real, historical circumstances can provide real inspiration. History can teach by example.  We can study heroes, the great men and women of history who successfully navigated through hardships by making good choices and also ordinary people who provide lessons
in courage, diligence, or made a difference in the world.

In conclusion, history plays a big part in everyone's lives. We use history to predict the the future, everything from the weather to the stock market.  We use history to introduce a new way of doing things, create new products, theories, and discoveries.  Without understanding our past we can not understand our world as it is today.  

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sidney - Blog 2, Social Scientists

With out an Archaeologist we would not know about the past. And with out the past we would not be as advanced as we are to day!

I would choose being an Archaeologist.  Archaeologists work outside an office, digging and searching in strange places all over the world.  Archaeologists lead lives of adventure, traveling to wild places and countries with unusual people.  I love being in the outdoors and don't like sitting in an office or classroom.  I want to be like Indiana Jones in the movies, traveling the globe searching for pieces of ancient history.  I would like to go on an epic mission to discover a lost treasure.

Archaeologists discover information by putting pieces of ancient things together like a puzzle.  They hunt for treasure, discover the past, build dinosaurs, dig out ruins and put together pieces to solve the puzzles of history. Since I enjoy mysteries and finding clues and imagining how things might have been in the past to solve the mystery, I know I would love this job.

Archaeologists can be a part of history when they make a gigantic discovery then write a book and apper on the Discovery Channel or National Geographic.  I remember one show where a group of Archaeologists were going into a cave in Africa  to find prehistoric tools and discover how ancient people lived and why they moved to other places.  They discovered animal bones, child bones and tools and learned that this was a more advanced civilization for the time.  I think it would be interesting to piece together prehistoric lives of cavemen. 

I hope my career can be as interesting and free as I imagine an Archaeologist's life would be.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sidney - Blog Post 1

Hi. I'm Sidney. I go to ISKL Middle School.  I like leadership opportunities, I'm easy to get along with, and am usually pretty flexible and agreeable. I like playing with my friends, swimming, basketball, baseball, paintball, snowboarding, going to the movies and building Lego.  I have good fun playing on the Wii, my PSP, and  my Game boy. I have been to a lot of places in the world for an American Kid.  My favorite candy bar is Butterfingers and my favorite candy is Sugar Daddy.  I love eating macaroni and cheese and cheese pizza, but, an all-American cheeseburger is my favorite.  The only other language that I'm fluent in, besides English, is pig-Latin. I have a brother and a dog.  My dream for my future is to go to Cal Tech and become an electrical engineer.

The last three books that I've read were The Giver, Warriors V, and Airborn.  The author of Warriors V - The Darkest Hour, is Erin Hunter. The mane characters are Fireheat, Bluestar, Tigerstar, and Cinderpelt.  The book is about four clans of cats living in a forest and their conflicts with each other.  Bluestar leads Thunderclan against a pack of angry dogs. The author of Airborn is Kenneth Oppel. The main characters are Matt Cruse, Kate de Vries, Bruce Lunardi, and Capt. Watkins. Matt is a cabin boy on a an airship that is attacked by Pirates and the main characters' struggle for survival.  The author of The Giver is Lois Lowry. The main characters are Jonas, Lily, and The Giver.  Jonas lives in the future and keeps all of the memories for his community but is conflicted when hee sees a friend murdered in the future.

The last movie I saw was The A-Team.  A group of Army commandos are tricked in to stealing U.S. Mint engravings and escape prison to recover the engravings and clear their names.

My academic goal for this year is to get all A's and B's.

A social goal for the year is to be a Malaysian nashonal backstroke U-12 champion.

My favorite vacation memory is when I stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel in Penang.

I would describe myself as athletic, dynnamic, friendly, outgoing, and fun.