Thursday, September 23, 2010


In Third Grade I viewed bullying at recess.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a group of 6th Grade boys pushing another boy around. I overheard them saying "You owe me big now".  My first thought was that they were just playing.  Then I realized that the boy must have been feeling hurt and scared.  I also heard them saying "You better get it to me tomorrow". Then I saw them shove him on the ground and heard them say "Tomorrow".  The boy then responded with "Okay, okay".  Then the boys walked off.  After the incident, I just ran off to go play football. 

If this situation were to happen today, when I realized the 6th Grade boys were bullying, I would immediately go to get a teacher to help.  A teacher could have stopped the bullying and made sure that the bullying didn't happen again.  I realize now that another thing I could have done differently was after the incident I could have gone up to the boy and asked if he needed any assistance.  I also could have asked what the bullying was all about.  Maybe the best thing that I could have done was ask him to play basketball or soccer with me. 

 I have two new possible goals around bullying now that I am a 6th Grade and a student at ISKL. The first is that I will not tease people, even though my intent is for it to be a joke, as it might hurt people.  The second is to develop my own self esteem so that if anyone attempts to bully me I won't be too affected by it.

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