Thursday, November 18, 2010

This week for Lit. circles we had a twist in it. The twist is that we got to work with a partner. Mrs. Narsiman called it "Literature Circles With A Twist." Instead of doing two of each section we only needed to do one of everything. This blog post will answer three questions: "What the benefits of collaborating with a partner?"; "What challenges or obstacles did we overcome (tried to overcome)?"; and "What new understandings about the novel did we gain from our collaboration?"

There are many benefits to collaborating with a classmate on a Literature Circle assignment.  One benefit is that you don't have to do everything yourself.  Sharing makes less work for each partner.  Another benefit is that you have another person to edit your work and share ideas with to make each partner's work better.  A third benefit is that if you don't understand something, your partner can clarify it for you.  But, the most important benefits is that collaborating with a classmate, makes a Literature Circle much more FUN!

We overcame challenges or obstacles when we were having different opinions on what are the best questions. I had ideas to help Jorghi's questions because his were not high level enough. Another challenge we had was when I went on a camp out with the boy scouts. I did not have any time over the weekend to do my Literature circle, and was not able to get my work done as planned.  We had to do everything on Monday night, but got it all done and got an A.

Jorghi helped me understand the book because when he had a question that I did not understand, he helped me understand it. The question was, "Why did Miyax want to get marred to Daniel?" I did not think that Miyax wanted to marry Daniel. So Jorghi explained to me that Miyax wanted to marry Daniel because her father arranged the marriage and she was unhappy living with her Aunt Martha. 

In conclusion, I enjoyed writing our Literature circle with a friend much more that doing one by myself.

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