Saturday, November 19, 2011

FF Learning Style

I’m a profile FF, this means that my dominant eye is my right eye, my dominant ear, hand and foot is my left. I find it easiest to work and learn when I’m sitting slightly to the right of the classroom, that way my right eye is facing the board and my left ear is facing the teacher. Sitting slightly to the right of the classroom and facing the board is also great so that I don’t need to keep on turning back and forth to left because I’m left handed.
I learn best when I’m sitting in the middle, slightly to the right of the classroom and facing the teacher. If I can see the board I can remember things better. I enjoy learning from short movies and videos so I can see and hear what’s going on. I am left brained (logical) and auditory. I need a deadline for everything, that way I can actually get work done, rules and written down instructions help too.
Working in pairs or trios is how I work best. I don’t have to do all the work alone, but there aren’t too many people that I have to to rely on. Two to three people aren’t difficult to manage and that way we can all work on a separate piece of the project and somehow when we put all our separate pieces together we can get our final project. I just find that so much easier.
When I look at a painting, or read a story I usually notice and remember small details more than the big image. I can get all the ideas and every little detail in my head, but it's hard for me to share them on paper. I find it difficult to get my ideas and thoughts to make seance in words. I also find it difficult to manage my time and stay on task when I’m working alone. I feel like I can work in nearly any location, I don’t need a quiet desk in the corner to work… in fact I actually enjoy working in different environments.
I’m pretty even on both sides of my brain.
My gestalt and logical sides are nearly equally as strong as each other so I don’t think it’s too difficult for me to learn and work in any type of environment with all types of people. I do notice that when I’m learning or working I think first before I contribute any ideas to the discussion. I find that when I’m under a time limit or under pressure I usually see my best work coming out then. If I’m given all the time I need and there’s no pressure I leave the work.
I think that I would like my teachers to know that I have trouble keeping track of how much time I’ve got and I do end up rushing most projects and assignments. I need a deadline or I’ll keep on leaving that piece of work to finish ‘later’ and I work much better if I’m given a rubric so I know what details I need to work on most. If I have a list of instructions or rules that I can read (see) I’ll be able to complete my work and learn much better.

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