Monday, January 31, 2011

My Presentation

I believe that I did a fine job collecting information and drafting my presentation. I knew what I needed to do and went to sites that I knew could help me. I wrote all the information that I needed. I had a tough start but I made it through. Luckily my dad grew up in Los Angeles so he knew almost all I needed to know. I did a good job presenting my slide show on Los Angeles. I had a clear loud voice and knew most of my information as I did not look at my power point.

In the future I would organize my thoughts better, because in my power point I found information put it in my own words then put it on my power point. I also should pay attention to the spelling and the graphics. Because I put a graph and did not pay attention to the heading. So my teacher told me to change it before she graded it.

I learned that Los Angeles is the second biggest city in the United States of America. I learned that every city has many reasons why they are located and have thrived. For example Los Angeles in right on the water, it has great weather, and there is a lot of gold and oil. I also learned that people every where have adapted to many different things and that's why everyone is unique.For example people in Africa have dark skin to avoid getting sun burned.

My analysis of my performance is that I did a decent job. Because I had a clear and loud voice, also I knew my information pretty well. I could have gone slower so everyone knew exactly what I was saying because I was speaking very fast just to get it over and done with. Over all I did a good job and had a great presentation and power point.

Link to power point.

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