Monday, January 31, 2011

My Presentation

I believe that I did a fine job collecting information and drafting my presentation. I knew what I needed to do and went to sites that I knew could help me. I wrote all the information that I needed. I had a tough start but I made it through. Luckily my dad grew up in Los Angeles so he knew almost all I needed to know. I did a good job presenting my slide show on Los Angeles. I had a clear loud voice and knew most of my information as I did not look at my power point.

In the future I would organize my thoughts better, because in my power point I found information put it in my own words then put it on my power point. I also should pay attention to the spelling and the graphics. Because I put a graph and did not pay attention to the heading. So my teacher told me to change it before she graded it.

I learned that Los Angeles is the second biggest city in the United States of America. I learned that every city has many reasons why they are located and have thrived. For example Los Angeles in right on the water, it has great weather, and there is a lot of gold and oil. I also learned that people every where have adapted to many different things and that's why everyone is unique.For example people in Africa have dark skin to avoid getting sun burned.

My analysis of my performance is that I did a decent job. Because I had a clear and loud voice, also I knew my information pretty well. I could have gone slower so everyone knew exactly what I was saying because I was speaking very fast just to get it over and done with. Over all I did a good job and had a great presentation and power point.

Link to power point.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Years Resolutions

This is the first year that I will be making a New Years resolution and might have trouble creating things to work on. I expected making a New Years resolution was going to be writing down things that I wanted to work on like being better with my brother or getting more organized but, that is the easy way. I know now I have to write down what I wanted to improve on and why I want to improve it. I have many little ideas but as I said earlier it will be hard for me to come up the big goals that will really help me in life. Before I thought that making a New Years resolution was a waste of time and useless and that I would never do what I wrote down because I was young and small. But now I am older, so here I go.

My first goal is to get organized and stay focused. This is important because I will be able to find things all the time and know what to do and when to do it. I also will be able to get my homework done fast so I can do other things. I believe that if I can accomplish this goal I can manage my life and my time better and more efficiently. If I stay focused then I will get my homework done in a reasonable amount of time and not in five hours.If I get organized than I will not lose anything any more, and will be easier to locate things easier to like homework or toys.

My second goal is to be nicer with my brother. This is important because he could help me later on in life and he could help me now. If I am nicer to my brother then my parents won't yell at me for going in his room or borrowing one of his stuff for one moment. I believe that if I am consistently nice to my brother and we get along all the time my parents will be in a good mood. Being nice to my brother has its benefits like I can borrow things like money and if he gets candy he will let me have some. And being nice to my brother in my opinion will help me be a better person in the world.

After doing this I think this is not so bad and that I could do it again next year but, hopefully better than this one and more goals to work on. I enjoyed doing this and found it very helpful to do so I know what I want to accomplish this year and how it would benefit me. I really hope I accomplish my goals and not just blow them off. I might even have to make a goal saying to make sure I accomplish the goals that I created for myself, plus a goal to learn a spell that will give me more sleep than I actually get or make me not need as much sleep as a normal person. Also I need to hypnotize my teachers to give me no homework or less at least.


I did not have the best Christmas break because I was stuck in my house the whole time with almost nothing to do( at least that is what it felt like). I had to read and write for an hour. I did not get anything I really wanted, I guess that is because I did not write a wish list. For the last week of winter break I went to Bali. I was hoping to stay in the Hard Rock Hotel but, my family and I went to a quiet hotel called AlamKulKul right next to the beach near Kuta Square. When I was at the beach I got a bad sun burn and did not want to go in the sun anymore. I wanted to go to the water park but my sun burn was still bothering me so I said no. I was forced to go to the land that we own. It was really boring and the car ride was 3 and a half hours. When we came back to K.L. I watch some T.V. and rested. The next day my Dad and I had a Harry Potter marathon. Then I came back to school. That is basically how my winter break went.    

Well this blog is done, stay tuned for my next one, which is on what ever Mrs. Narsiman gives us to write about. Sidney out