Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sidney Williams  - Profile HH - Logic Dominant - Limited Under Stress: All Modalities

Okay, so what does that mean? There are two hemispheres of our brains.  The gestalt (right) and the logic (left).  My dominant side of my brain is the left side.  HH means that my brain, eyes, ears, hand and foot dominant sides are all left. So what does that mean? Well, that's my learning profile. 

I realize now that I've been very negative since I started Middle School.  I say to myself that I'm stupid that I can't do anything.  Well, these test results may shed some light on all those thoughts and feelings.  Taking this test and getting my test results was a really good thing for me because I realize now that reading and writing can be really hard for me and that I need calm learning environments to be successful at learning. With these results,  I can find out how I can learn better and be more successful at school.  Now I know what the best learning environment is for me to do the best that I can.  Okay, here goes....

I'm told that I learn best when I am in a quiet environment (alone if possible), with as little noise and movement as possible. If there's just the smallest bit of noise or movement, I will get distracted and off-track.  I think the best place for me to sit in class is in the back left corner of the room with no other table near me. This will help me have more quiet when I'm doing my work.  For collaborative work I'm okay shifting over to the table that I'm supposed to be working at with others.  My profile also says that I have to process internally without external sensory stimulation which means that I need to think a lot with out talking and that it's not ideal to have any talking, music or movement around me. Sitting at the back left corner of the class would put me farthest away from speakers and computers so it will be as soft as possible.

Apparently for my learning profile, I need to move, touch, and manually explore to process and organize information. My profile results said that I need to have a relaxing and stress-free environment or I will be very limited in what my brain can process.  This is because when I am feeling stressed, I am at a great disadvantage as I cannot access the dominant side of my brain with any sensory input.

The strategies that my profile suggests I use are to write and draw with my non-dominant hand because it helps relieve stress.  It also suggested that I draw lazy 8's, massage my Mandibular Joint, be allowed to doodle or manipulate clay while learning, as well as practice Thinking Caps from Brain Gym. All of these techniques should help to relieve stress.   It also said that I  need to have a relaxing and stress-free environment or I will be very limited in what I can do.  This is because when I am feeling stressed, I am at a great disadvantage because I cannot access the dominant side of my brain with any sensory input.

This is a amazing assignment because I can actually communicate to my teachers what works best for me to learn in the classroom. Most importantly, that when I am under stress I am at a great disadvantage because I cannot access my dominant hemisphere with any sensory input. However when I am not stressed I can access both sides of my brain easier than any of the other learner profiles. Apparently, my left eye scans from right to left which makes things confusing in my brain with languages that move from left to right like English. Also, at times I might reverse or transpose letters and numbers and for sure I have difficulty with my penmanship". In short, seeing, hearing, or communicating the details can be difficult for me, but I'm able to learn, process and communicate well  when I am relaxed. After reading my profile I'm in favor of an on-campus spa complete with massage and relaxation therapists.  What do you think (Mr. Whiting)?